Pineapple Curry is a creamy and flavorful vegetarian curry that makes an incredible dinner paired with rice. This 25-minute curry is one of my favorite...
This Keto Zuppa Toscana is ultra creamy and packed with traditional flavours! A delicious Olive Garden restaurant copycat recipe made low carb, with only...
Such a tasty recipe! Salmon fillets are pan seared until perfectly golden brown and topped with a rich, sweetly sweet slightly tangy balsamic glaze. Garlic...
Three Cheese Stuffed Shells are a delicious twist on lasagna using jumbo shells that are stuffed with the classic lasagna cheese blend with Italian seasoning...
This Low-Carb Baked Seafood Casserole Recipe is a creamy baked main course with shrimp and cod. This delicious recipe can work for low-carb, keto, gluten-free,...
30-minute keto jambalaya with cauliflower rice is a healthy version of the classic, with just as much flavor. This low carb jambalaya recipe makes an easy...
Here's another delicious Meal in 60 Minutes idea. This one is restaurant worthy and perfect for a weeknight meal or to serve at a dinner party. These...
Ranch Pork Chops and Potatoes Sheet Pan Dinner, an easy dinner that is packed full of flavor. All you need is one sheet pan to get gorgeous ranch pork...
If you are looking for a super simple and tasty dinner recipe, baked chicken fajitas is it! It has all the components of your favorite fajitas but without...
These Italian Breaded Pork Chops are a classic Italian entree. Perfectly golden brown and crispy on the outside but moist and packed full on flavor on...
Roasted Broccoli and Cauliflower doesn't get better than this. This Spanish favourite is incredibly tasty and ridiculously nutritious - and so easy it...
This has become one of my favorite vegan dishes to have throughout the year. The streusel topping is amazing and not overly sweet. Definitely not as sweet...
This recipe for chicken almond ding is a stir fry full of chicken, veggies and crunchy almonds, all tossed in a savory sauce. The perfect healthy dinner...
This delicious Baked Salmon with Parmesan Herb Crust is simple and one of the best salmon recipes! Made with four ingredients and ready in under 20 minutes,...
Easy Seafood Paella Recipe made with mixed frozen seafood and a touch of turmeric, a quick and easy dish for a delicious midweek dinner. It's hearty...
This Baked Ricotta and Spinach Cannelloni is made with three delicious cheeses and it's the perfect easy comfort food recipe that's also vegetarian! It's...
Tangy, peppery, and loaded with a punch of flavor, Carolina Gold BBQ Sauce will take anything you slather it on to a whole new level! With a beautiful...
Comforting, citrusy, and flavorful Crockpot Lemon Chicken never disappoints! Made with juicy lemons, heads of garlic, and herbs, this easy lemon chicken...